Lock out

Pub no. 301 - The Lock Inn.

Another new pub, and of course it's another new pub for the tourists. It's called the Lock Inn because it's the nearest pub to the Hampstead Road lock (I refuse to say "Camden Lock". Doh!). 
The nearest that is apart from the Ice Wharf, Lockside Lounge, Dingwalls, Lock 17, The Caernarvon Castle [RIP] and the bar at the Holiday Inn, but why let that stop you cashing in on a trendy click bait name? It worked for the Camden Town Brewery. Tourists don't care!

It looks like a pub

No ales. Fosters sub £6.
So empty. But so loud.

If only the real speakers were this quiet.

A nice view of some other pubs. Not all beer gardens (well, roof terraces) allow you to survey where to go next.

Intrigued as to what this was once... but there the intrigue ends.

1 comment:

  1. I do admire your tenacity in suffering these tourist traps to survey all Camden pubs. Your blog is the best accessible record of such things in the area.

    Now the Lord Southampton has reopened, I look forward to your next post hint hint!
