In cider dealings

Pub 188, The Cider Tap. 6th June 2013.

Yikes! A pub that doesn't sell beer, only cider! Where are we, bloody Devon?! And what if it's horrible inside like The Euston Tap? But no fear, inside is much, much nicer than its sister. And they also do a lager for those of us who don't like cider. But feeling adventurous I risk a Lillie's Star Gazer. And blow me - it's very nice! I could get used to this.

Although it's very pleasant inside, I choose to drink my cool cider outside, leaning against a giant jousting pole - watching the traffic go by on the Euston Road. One of only two pubs in Camden you can do this, if that is the kind of thing you like to do. The other is the 'beery place' just across the road, but this one is much nicer.

Yes, I could get used to this.

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